Data protection

Subject access requests

All subject access requests must be made to the Information Governance Team.

You need to:

  • Put your request in writing:
  • You will need to include: 
    • your full names and names you have been known by
    • contact details such as email address, home address or telephone number
    • as much information as possible to assist with your request (this can include the areas of the council you may have been involved with and time periods you are requesting information from)

Once we have received your request

Once we have received your request we will ask you to make an appointment to attend the Town Hall with:

  • proof of identity (preferably photo ID such as a passport or photo driving licence)
  • proof of address (driving licence, utility bill or an official letter dated in the last 3 months)

How long a subject access request will take

All subject access requests must be responded to within 30 calendar days and must confirm the following data:

  • A description of the personal data held
  • Why the data is held
  • Who else may have been given the data
  • A copy of the data
  • An explanation of any technical terms or abbreviations
  • Any information about the original source of information

If your request is unclear or ambiguous the 30 statutory calendar day period will be suspended and will not commence until we have received clear instructions from you.

Applying on behalf of someone else

If you are applying for your child under 13 then you will need to supply proof of parental responsibility.

If you are applying on behalf of a child over the age of 13, they may be required to request the records themselves.

If you are applying on be half of another family member we will need their written consent and proof of ID and may need to meet them or a copy of a Power of Attorney covering the records your are requesting.

If your access request is refused

If your subject access request is refused you can appeal against this decision by writing to the Information Commissioner at the address below:

Information Commissioner's Office 
Wycliffe Lane 

Tel. No: 01625 545745 
Fax No: 01625 534510 
Website: Information Commissioner's Office

Please note the Information Commissioner will only consider your request for an independent review once you have exhausted the Council's internal review / complaint process.

More information

For enquiries or to discuss the process please telephone 0191 424 6539.

If part of a Data Protection request falls within the  Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004  then the correct regime will apply in terms of timescale, costs and exemptions.