Freedom of information


The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives every person the right to access information recorded and held by local Councils subject to certain conditions and exemptions. 

This information is typically how money has been spent, how the Council works, proposals or decisions made.

It gives you access to reports, emails, minutes of meetings etc, which may be of interest to you.

It does not cover access to personal information. This falls under the Data Protection Act.

The intention of the Act is to provide a culture of greater openness and accountability for public organisations.

South Tyneside Council has a duty to respond to information requests within 20 working days and will be able to tell you if information is available.

Who the FOI Act applies to

The FOI Act applies to the following public bodies:

  • Central Government
  • Local Authorities
  • Public Bodies
  • NHS Service
  • Police
  • Schools, colleges and universities
  • Fire Service
  • Probation Service
  • Police
  • Armed forces

Freedom of Information policy

View our Freedom of Information Policy.