Data protection

Types of information and personal data

The Council holds a variety of information about local residents in South Tyneside.

Personal data is information that identifies you as a living individual. The Act does not cover personal data about deceased individuals.

It can refer to any of the following:

  • Videos / tapes
  • CCTV footage
  • Electronic databases
  • Paper filing system
  • Photographs (including scanned images)
  • Emails

Information the Council holds about its residents

Personal data has to be gathered to allow the Council to provide its services efficiently and effectively (e.g. Council Tax, Housing Benefits, Rent, Education, Social Services etc).

Some examples of personal data include:

  • Personal data e.g. names / addresses / telephone numbers
  • Tenancy agreements
  • Complaints file
  • Photographs and CCTV
  • An expression of an opinion
  • A statement from a doctor
  • Council Tax , Benefits or Electoral roll
  • Licensing, planning and Trading standards

What is meant by 'processing' personal data

South Tyneside Council cannot process personal data fairly and lawfully unless one of the following criteria has been met:

  • the individual has given his or her consent to the processing
  • processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
  • processing is required under a legal obligation
  • processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the individual
  • processing is necessary to carry out public functions e.g. administration of justice
  • processing is necessary in order to pursue the legitimate interests of the data controller or third parties (unless it could unjustifiably prejudice the interests of the individual)