Oral health (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)


  • Oral conditions can have an impact on children's quality of life in different ways, not just functionally, but also psychologically and socially. Nationally 58% of children aged 12 and 45% of those aged 15 reported that their daily life had been affected by problems with their teeth and mouth in the last three months. Children who were eligible for free school meals were more likely than other children to report problems in their daily life caused by their oral health.

Local picture

  • The health related behavior questionnaire (HRBQ) targets year 4, 5, and 6 and years 8 and 10 for the mainstream provision in South Tyneside. The survey was also offered to alternative education.
  • Key findings include:
    • Over three quarters of Year 4 - 6 children report brushing their teeth twice a day.
    • 1 in 5 children in Year 4 - 6 have not visited a dentist in the last six months. 
    • 1 in 5 children in Year 8 and 10 have not visited a dentist in the last six months. 
    • Further HRBQ findings can be found on Tables 4, 5 & 6 of the Appendices

National Picture

  • Nationally more than three quarters of older children (12 - 15 years old), 77% of 12 year olds and 81% of 15 year olds, reported brushing their teeth twice a day or more often. Girls were more likely to do so than boys. Brushing at least twice a day was more common among children not eligible for free school meals than those who were eligible.
  • Nationally the learning indicates that dental attendance, brushing, diet and smoking were all strongly associated with subjective oral health outcomes. Children who attend a dentist for check-ups reported better oral health, lower prevalence of toothache and better oral health related quality of life, with lower prevalence of oral impacts. Those who brushed twice a day or more often had better perceptions about their dental health and reported lower prevalence of oral impacts than those that brushed less often.

Adult dental access

  • The number of patients seen during the recommended time frame is relatively high in South Tyneside compared to the England average.
  • The GP patient survey asks patients [last time you tried] "Were you successful in getting an NHS dental appointment?"
  • 95% of respondents in South Tyneside report being successful in getting an NHS dental appointment which is above the England average of 93%. 
  • Table 7 of the Appendices provides further information on the responses for the GP Patient Survey.