Road traffic collisions and safety (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)

Projected Need and Demand

The North East Combined Authority 20 year transport manifesto sets out it vision for the North East to have good transport that enables economic growth and sustains jobs and communities. In particular it has seven key themes:

  1. Accessible: it should run as near as possible to where people live and want to travel to, and where businesses are (or want to be) located. It should be usable by everyone.
  2. Affordable : as far as possible, transport should be provided at a reasonable cost relative to the journey being undertaken.
  3. Reliable: the transport network should be one that we can rely on to work, with buses and trains running on time and congestion at a minimum.
  4. Easy to use: it should be easy to plan safe journeys, find out the best way to travel, pay for tickets and get all the essential information for your journey.
  5. Safe: the transport network should be, and be seen to be, safe regarding both road safety and also crime and fear of crime on public transport. Vulnerable users should be given greater protection than they currently are.
  6. Sustainable: the attractiveness of sustainable modes of transport should be improved. Transport should not have an adverse impact on the environment.
  7. Integrated: the transport network should be connected so that people can switch easily between modes, and timings and methods of payment complement each other.

These seven themes above can be expanded into a set of guiding principles, which will govern what the North East Combined Authority is trying to achieve:

  • Good access to workplaces, services, shops and leisure
  • Well-maintained, climate-resilient and safe transport networks
  • Less road congestion
  • More sustainable travel
  • Growth in economic activity
  • Better air quality and lower carbon emissions.
  • Healthy, active lifestyles
  • Efficient use of transport assets
  • Land use planning that favours sustainable travel.
  • Equality of opportunity
  • Better cycling network
  • Better connectivity across the UK.
  • Expand the public transport network

South Tyneside has been consistently below both the England and Regional Averages (2012-2014) for the following Public Health Outcome indicators, demonstrated by following the links below:

1.10 Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England's roads

Public Health Outcomes

12.01 Alcohol Related Road Traffic Accidents

Fingertips: Local Alcohol Profiles for England

And within the Child Health Profiles:

Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents

Fingertips: Child and Maternal Health