Cancer (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)

Key issues

National data on cancer is collated by Public Health England. Specific South Tyneside cancer data is available to support the CfV information. These highlight:

  • High prevalence of smoking,
  • a legacy of heavy industry.
  • For cancers, such as lung and bowel that are associated with deprivation, South Tyneside has much higher incidence than the national average.
  • Breast cancer that is not associated with deprivation has an incidence close to the England average.
  • Alcohol treatment figures for South Tyneside
  • South Tyneside has a good record of identifying these three cancers at an early stage -all above the national average.
  • South Tyneside also has a higher than England average for emergency presentation for these three cancers as well. This demonstrates the variation between different groups living in South Tyneside and the impact cancer has on them and their families. .
  • The average number of days a person spends in hospital in their last year of life is higher than the England average.
  • In general people living in South Tyneside have a greater risk of cancer where:
    • Rates of smoking are high
    • rates of obesity are high
    • levels of exercise are low
    • consumption of alcohol is high