Adult social care early invention and prevention

Level of need

The local level of need for social care prevention includes the entire population of South Tyneside. There are, however, groups that are more at risk than others of requiring support later in life. The following table identifies those groups where population data exists and compares the group estimates to those in the group known to be receiving formal social care support. The "% not receiving social care support" column identifies the population amenable to prevention interventions.

See Figure 1 Adult Social Care - Primary and Secondary Prevention JSNAA

*The number of contacts to the social care contact centre and the number of calls that go on to receive no further support. Figure will include duplicate client contact.

^social care client size reflects where condition is the primary support need

social care client size based on 16% of new admissions resulting from a fall

estimated 15% of stroke and TIA population requires permanent social care within 5 years of first event