James Kirkup Collection in South Shields

Recordings at The Word

Book, Cassettes, Cassettes and pamphlets, TapesTranscript, CD


  • The Way We Live Now. Edited with Notes by Katsuaki Horiuchi & Masanobu Sano. Tokyo: Takumi Press (1989).


  • America Yesterday and Today by JK. Seibido Cassette Library. Cassettes 1 & 2 (no date).
  • An Anthology of English Lyrics, Charming and Unconventional. Edited with Notes by Takashi Sato & Shozo Tokunaga. Recorded on Tape by James Kirkup and Alan Booth. Eichosha Publishing Co Ltd (no date).
  • An Anthology of English Lyrics, Charming and Unconventional. Read by JK and Alan Booth. Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Eichosha Education Industry Co Ltd (no date).
  • Aspects of America. Written and read by JK. Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Tsurumi Shoten. Two copies (no date).
  • Body Languages and Other Essays. Worlds of Difference.Written and read by JK. Cassette 2. Tokyo: Tsurumi Shoten (no date).
  • The Britishness of the British by JK. Seibido Cassette Library. Cassette 2 only (no date).
  • British Traditions and Superstitions. Written and read by JK. Recorded in Japan. Two copies (no date).
  • Countries and Customs - Readings and Exercises. Written by JK and Fumio Miyahara. Read by JK and E.A. Ward. Two Cassettes. Tokyo: Seibido Publishing Co. Ltd (1980).
  • Encounters. Written and read by JK. Two Cassettes. Tokyo: Seibido Publishing Co. Ltd (1979).
  • English Customs and Festivals by JK. Seibido Cassette Library. Cassettes 1 & 2 (no date).
  • English with a Smile. Written and read by JK. Cassettes 1 & 2. Recorded in Japan. Two copies (no date).
  • Everyday English Superstitions. Written and read by JK.Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Macmillan Language House Ltd (no date).
  • Folktales of Ireland by JK. Seibido Cassette Library. Cassette 2 only (no date).
  • Immensee by Theodor Storm. Translated by JK and read by Michael Bannard (no date).
  • James Kirkup's International Movie Theatre starring JK.Read by JK. Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Nan'un-do (1985).
  • JK's Tales from Shakespeare Hamlet. Cassetttes 1,2 & 3. Recorded in Japan. Two copies (no date).
  • JK's Tales from Shakespeare -A Midsummer Night's Dream.Recorded in Japan (no date).
  • JK's Tales from Shakespeare - Twelfth Night. Cassettes 1 & 2. Recorded in Japan (no date).
  • Look East, Look West. Parallel Views of Japan, Britain, Europe & America. Written and read by JK. Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Tsurumi Shoten (no date).
  • New Japan Now. Read by JK. Cassette 2. Tokyo: Eichosha Publishing Co Ltd (no date).
  • People and Places - Readings and Exercises. Written by JK and Ken-ichi Andoh. Read by JK and J. McDonnell. Two Cassettes. Tokyo: Seibido Publishing Co. Ltd (1978).
  • Shelley, A Romantic Rebel. Written and read by JK. With notes. Cassette 2. Tokyo: Eichosha Education Industry Co Ltd. Two copies (no date).
  • Taped Poetry Fair '70 & '71. JK reading his own poems to accompaniment of Shakuhachi & Tsuzumi music. Private recording (1970-71).
  • Trends and Traditions by JK. Seibido Cassette Library.Cassettes 1 & 2 (no date).
  • What is English Poetry? Written and Read by JK. Cassettes 1 & 2. Tokyo: Eichosha Education Industry Co Ltd (no date).
  • Zen Contemplations. Written and read by JK. Osaka: Union Services Co (1978).

Cassettes and pamphlet

  • The British Lady and Gentleman. Six Modern Illustrative Portrait Essays. Two Cassettes and accompanying pamphlet, edited with Notes by K. Tashiro and T. Obata.Tokyo: Seibido Publishing Co. Ltd (1981).


  • American Themes and Scenes (A) by JK. Maxell tape. Japan (no date).
  • American Themes and Scenes (B) by JK. Maxell tape. Japan (no date).
  • An Anthology of English Lyrics, Charming and Unconventional by JK. Eichosha-Audio Press. Three reels (no date).
  • Death and rebirth of English Literature. Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. One Reel (no date).
  • England, My England. Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. One Reel (no date).
  • Folktales and Legends of England. Written and read by JK. Seibido. Vol. 1 & 2. Three reels (Two copies of Vol.2) (no date).
  • Frankly Speaking. Aspects of Europe and Japan. Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. One Reel (no date).
  • How I Discovered America. Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. Reels 1 & 2 (no date).
  • Japan, Now (Vol.1,2). Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. One Reel (no date).
  • The Magic Drum by JK. Japan (no date).
  • Students Now. Written and read by JK. Seibido. Vol. 1 & 2. Two reels (no date).
  • These Horned Islands. Written and read by JK. Japanese recording. One Reel (no date).
  • The Voice of Britain. Written and read by JK. Seibido. Vol. 1 & 2. Two reels (no date).
  • What is English Poetry? Written and read by JK. Japan: A.P. Reels 1,2 & 3 (no date).
  • The Year of Japan Vol.I by JK. Maxell tape. Japan (no date).
  • The Year of Japan Vol.II by JK. Maxell tape. Japan (no date).
  • ? National Tape. Japan (no date).


  • The Oral Interpretation of English Poetry by JK. With transcript but Cassette missing. Tokyo: Eichosha Education Industry Co Ltd (no date).


  • Our English 1 listening texts for Units 1-16. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Item 15 - Poem by JK (2007).