Choose the right premises

Your requirements

Drawing up a list of what you need from your premises is a good way to start your search.

This list might include the size and layout of the premises, structure and appearance (internally and externally), including:

  • Any special structural requirements, such as high ceilings
  • Facilities and comfort for employees and visitors - including lighting, toilets and kitchen facilities
  • Utilities, such as power and drainage, and any special requirements - for example, three-phase electricity
  • Permission, including planning permission, to use the premises for your type of business
  • Access and parking space - for deliveries or customers, including disabled customers
  • Whether you need the flexibility to alter or expand the premises
  • Whether the premises are suitable for your long-term needs

After drawing up your list of requirements, you may decide that working from home could suit you.

There are important legal and practical issues you need to take into account.


Your choice of premises will also depend on your budget. Whether you rent or buy, costs can include:

  • Initial purchase costs, including legal costs such as solicitor's fees and professional fees for surveyors
  • Initial alterations, fitting out and decoration
  • Any alterations required to meet building, health and safety and fire regulations
  • Ongoing rent, service and utility charges, including water, electricity and gas
  • Business rates - more details at the Valuation Office Agency
  • Continuing maintenance and repairs
  • Building and contents insurance

If your requirements are too specific, you may find that your choice of premises is very limited or you cannot afford them. T

hink about which requirements are essential and which are desirable, and prioritise them to make your decision.