East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan

Details of the proposal

Submission documents

The following documents were submitted as part of the plan proposal:

The Submission Draft East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan (2020-2036)

East Boldon Forum Draft Policies Map

The East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement

Basic Conditions Statement

This explains how the proposed neighbourhood plan met the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Supplementary documents

Background papers

Local green space and protected open space

Built and historic environment

Community wellbeing

Housing background paper

Local economy


Settlement boundary

Transport and movement

Community Character Statement and Architectural Surveys

Community character statement

Architectural survey (conservation area)
Front Street (North side / even numbers) and Grange Terrace and Front Street (South side / odd numbers)

Other supplementary documents

East Boldon Design Code

Housing Needs Survey

Housing Needs Assessment

Natural environment statement

Strategic Environmental Assessment / Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening report

The East Boldon Neighbourhood Forum requested that we undertake a screening process of the draft neighbourhood plan to determine the need for strategic environmental assessment and habitat regulations assessment. The screening report is available below:

Strategic Environmental Assessment / Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report