Domestic abuse campaign: Activity 1 - Domestic? abuse


  1. Learning aims
  2. Time
  3. Resources
  4. Activity description
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Learning aims

  • To gain an accurate understanding of the term 'domestic abuse'
  • To be able to define what this means
  • Explore whether this title is appropriate


30 minutes (approximately).


Activity description

Ask the students to each write a couple of sentences that define 'domestic abuse'.

Provide prompts such as:

  • Who can the abuse happen to?
  • What forms can the abuse take?
  • Where does it occur?
  • Who is involved?

Once answers have been shared, split the students into groups, presenting each group with two sheets of paper, one showing the word 'Domestic', the other showing 'Abuse'.

Ask the groups to write annotations on each of their sheets, using words and phrases to describe what they associate with each subject. Feed back to the main group.

After everyone has shared their responses, ask them to annotate a third sheet with 'Domestic abuse' written on it. Comparing the answers from their definition of 'Domestic Abuse' and the individual terms 'domestic' and 'abuse', ask if the phrase Domestic Abuse is an accurate title.

Finally, ask the group to think of a more accurate title for 'domestic abuse', i.e. one suggestion may be 'Relationship Abuse'.

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Activity 1 - Domestic? abuse