22 November 2024 - Jarrow Town Board meeting minutes

Jarrow Town Board meeting minutes for Friday 22 November 2024.


  1. Attendence
  2. Welcome and introduction
  3. Overview of latest progress
  4. Community engagement
  5. Next steps
  6. Other business



  • Susan Wear-Brown
  • Geoff Thomson
  • Rory Sherwood-Parkin
  • Roweena Russell
  • Jane Burns
  • Andrew Watts
  • Carolyn Senior
  • Charlotte Harrison
  • Councillor David Kennedy
  • Councillor Geraldine Kilgour
  • Councillor Stephen Dean
  • Paul Atkinson
  • Patricia Blanchard
  • Ruth Durham
  • David Chandler
  • Kirsty Ostell (O Agency)
  • Natasha McDonough (MMC)
  • Emma Horsman (Cultural Spring).


  • Kate Osborne MP
  • Charlotte Bone
  • Councillor Margaret Melling
  • John Scott
  • Sue Newton
  • Tracy Beaton

Welcome and introduction

  • All members introduced, including new members of the Board (Andrew Watts from Groundworks and David Chandler from the Integrated Care Board).
  • The Chair thanked Big Local Jarrow for hosting and Big Local talked through the organisation's aims and particularly the Jarra Tea project.


Overview of latest progress

  • Officers reminded Board members of the background to the Long Term Plan for Towns and Jarrow Forward, as well as latest feedback from the new Government (confirmed in the Budget that the programme and the £20m would be going ahead, but reformed with more guidance expected shortly).
  • This follows the last meeting of the Board in July 2024.
  • Government confirmed timelines are to be pushed back with funding for delivery likely to be from April 2026 with the expectation of community engagement in the meantime.
  • Questions from Board members on capital/revenue split (previously 70% / 30%) which has yet to be confirmed by the new Government.
  • Next steps are to engage with, and await guidance from, Government and start community engagement (see below).


Community engagement

  • The Council's Community and Engagement team developed and went out to market in the Summer (following the July Jarrow Forward meeting) with a brief for community engagement in Jarrow. Comprehensive process as a number of responses were submitted and two agencies were subsequently interviewed by the Jarrow Forward Executive Group.
  • O Agency and MMC were successful and talked through what their organisations will offer, including their work with local organisations such as Port of Tyne and South Tyneside College, their experience of community engagement, research analysis and reaching seldom-heard voices. Both agencies are North East based with a number of employees being Jarrow residents.
  • O Agency and MMC agreed to outline the approach they will take to work with key community groups who will spearhead the engagement and find champions within the community to ensure as many people as possible are reached, and encouraged to participate. 
  • Part of this is for the agency to involve and utilise key trusted groups to help deliver real engagement, such as Groundwork and Cultural Spring.
  • Such organisations could also help shape toolkits for existing community networks and groups.
  • Discussion focussed on ensuring communications were accessible for all residents, that they target particular groups (especially young people) and include a mixed methods approach (including videos, social media, events, surveys, focus groups, engaging with employers, churches, Sport England and more).
  • They will also monitor engagement across postcodes and work on those where engagement is low (for example by getting school children involved in assemblies, gamifications and incentives) to ensure a comprehensive approach.
  • In addition, they will look at how to include voices of people outside Jarrow on their perception of the town.
  • Aim is to reach at least 2,500 people and to make engagement easy (particularly for people who are time-poor). A small meeting will be convened to look at next steps, including whether to create fresh branding or to utilise the Let's Talk branding used in South Shields and Hebburn Conversations. This will work out timelines too.


Next steps

Action: Board members to share ideas and intelligence for the Council to capture as part of ongoing engagement:

  • Each board member / community group to provide lead contact for O Agency and MMC
  • Board members to continue to submit plans, ideas and intelligence

Action: Small sub-group to come together in next few weeks to work out community engagement plan:

  • Objectives, approach and key questions to ask
  • Decide on either a) using Let's Talk or b) new branding
  • Small group should be 6-8 interested organisations, including Jarrow School
  • Group should start adding to list of community contacts (circulated to the Board) which will also include St Joseph's School, Inspire, Churches Together, faith groups and employers.  

Action: O Agency and MMC will come back in January and present to the Board:

  • They will present on approach, target groups, role of community organisations etc.
  • May have Government guidance by then - Officers to nudge contacts / Chair to go back to MHCLG about potential visit

Other business

  • Big thank you from the Chair and the Board to big Local for hosting.
  • Next meeting to be organised in January 2025.