24SEN01-E3 - Introduction to De-escalation

Tuesday 04 March 2025
Time: 13:00
Price: Free
One Trinity Green

This course is being administered by the SEND Team - Please click on link provided to book


Work through the escalation curve to identify and understand the stages of dysregulation to effectively support, prevent and de-escalate children and young people who may experience crisis.

  • Improved understanding of the escalation curve
  • How to effectively identify triggers through the use of an ABCC chart
  • Gain an increased understanding of dysregulation and how this can affect an individual short and long term
  • Increased awareness of strategies to support individual at each point of the escalation curve

Target Group: Support Staff, Teachers and SENCos

To book a place click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/SC5vfd2hCw?origin=lprLink

N.B.  Last bookings must be made at least 48 hours ahead of a scheduled session

Course Co-ordinator:  Jo Woodhouse

Cost:  £25 per delegate


One Trinity Green

Havelock Street

South Shields

NE33 5RW

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