Absence management process for schools

Level 3: referral to Education Welfare Team

It is important to remember that children and families receiving Level 3 support are still likely to benefit from purposeful support from typically Level 1 and 2 interventions, the only difference being that these interventions will form part of the targeted support plan.

School will make a referral to the Education Welfare Team requesting either of 2 routes: 

  • Route 1: Issuing of a Penalty Notice Warning (This can be used when the absence is not severe). The parents and carers will be informed of the warning by letter and there will be a 3 week monitoring period (Which my be extended to 6 weeks). Should the pupil have any unauthorised absences within this period then a Penalty Notice will be issued in line with South Tyneside's code of conduct.
  • Route 2: Inviting the family to a Level 3 meeting at the Town Hall (or any other appropriate venue). This meeting will review the Attendance Action Plan and clearly outline the expectations of attendance, the legal position and the role of services supporting the family. The Attendance Action Plan will be monitored for a period of 6 weeks.

If there are safeguarding concerns, the case should be considered for statutory social care involvement.

Schools should discuss this with the network around the child and the family to agree on proportionate and purposeful next steps.

Parents and carers must be notified of the referral to make sure they are aware of it prior to it being made. The only exception to this is when informing the parent or carer of the referral would place the child at increased risk of significant harm.