Mental health in adults (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)

Projected need and demand

There are several key issues which may have implications for the demand of services.

  • Projections suggest the number of older people with a mental health need will increase and people are living longer. Whilst the numbers of working age adults remains largely unchanged this has implications for the support required.  
  • There is a need to ensure that the needs of people with mental health issues arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed. This includes the impact of long covid and support to people who were bereaved as a result of the pandemic (Office of National Statistics: Rising ill health & economic inactivity because of long term sickness).
  • Local intelligence indicates that access to the privately rented accommodation sector is decreasing as landlords are choosing to sell. Being able to provide appropriate accommodation and social care support has implications in the current economic climate.
  • There are a number of adults in out of area residential care homes. There is a need to review need and develop broader accommodation models in South Tyneside.