How the Council monitors planning enforcement

The Council's Planning Service:

How we monitor compliance

We pro-actively monitor compliance. We will prioritise:

Planning consents for:

  • Major developments
  • Works to listed buildings

Conditions attached to planning consents for:

  • Temporary permissions
  • Hours of operation restrictions
  • Odour control equipment installation
  • Protection of existing trees and hedgerows during construction works
  • Delivery of biodiversity net gain measures
  • Works to remediate ground contamination
  • Installation of sustainable drainage measures

Some developments have additional legal agreements as part of the planning permission that has been granted. For example, providing affordable housing, or contributions for additional school places. We will also monitor compliance with these agreements.

Annual planning enforcement monitoring report

We will publish an annual planning enforcement monitoring report which will include:

  • Key statistics on the number of complaints received for the previous 12 months.
  • Outcomes from those complaints.
  • Performance against our service standards for handling complaints.