Jennie Shearan - Blue Plaques

Please note: The location displayed on the map is approximate.

Information about the plaque

Councillor Angela Lamonte (front) is pictured with Jennie Shearan’s grandson Gianfranco Rosolia, Loes Veldpaus, Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Planning at Newcastle University and Lauren Dunbar of The Common Room.
Jennie Shearan, Hebburn environmental campaigner.
Jennie Shearan, Hebburn environmental campaigner.
Blue Plaque to Honour Jennie Shearan

A commemorative Blue Plaque has been unveiled in honour of Hebburn Environmental Campaigner Jennie Shearan.

Eliza Jane 'Jennie' Shearan led Hebburn Residents' Action Group and campaigned against pollution from Monkton Coke Works from 1980 to 2000.

Jennie went from being elected Hebburn Councillor in 1977 to being the only ever female Chairman of Tyne and Wear County Council in 1985.

In 1987, she formed the Hebburn Residents' Action Group.

The plaque was unveiled by Councillor Angela Lamonte at Hebburn Central in November 2023. Also in attendance were members of Jennie's family and Hebburn Action Group.

It is now positioned at the home Jennie Shearan once lived in at Melrose Avenue. 

The Blue Plaque unveiling is part of the Inspiring Pioneers Commemorative Plaque scheme, a partnership between local councils, Newcastle University and The Common Room. The scheme aims to celebrate pioneering women.