Primary Schools Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme 2024-25 HTML

Proposed Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for Infant, Junior and Primary Schools in the area of South Tyneside Local Authority


This Scheme is made by South Tyneside Council under the School Admissions (Admissions Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admissions Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012 and applies to all Primary schools in South Tyneside.


In this Scheme:

"The LA" means South Tyneside Council acting in their capacity as Local Authority;

"The LA area" means the area in respect of which the LA is the Local Authority;

"Primary education" has the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the Education Act 1996;

"Secondary education" has the same meaning as in section 2(2) of the Education Act 1996;

"Primary school" has the same meaning as in section 5(1) of the Education Act 1996;

"Secondary school" has the same meaning as in section 5(2) of the Education Act 1996;

"School" means a community, foundation or voluntary school (but not a special school), which is maintained by the LA;

"Voluntary controlled school" means such of the schools, as are voluntary controlled schools, where the LA sets the admission criteria and offers the places;

'VA school" means such of the schools as are voluntary aided schools; where the governing board sets the admission criteria and offers the places;

"Trust School" means such of the schools as have trust status;

"Academy" means such of the schools as have academy status;

"Admission Authority" in relation to a community or voluntary controlled school means the LA, in relation to a VA school and a Trust School means the governing board of that school and in relation to an Academy means the Academy Trust of that school;

"The equal preference system" the scheme operated by South Tyneside Council whereby all preferences listed by parents/carers on the common application form are considered under the oversubscription criteria for each school without reference to parental rankings. Where a pupil may be offered a place at more than one school, the rankings are used to determine the single offer by selecting the one ranked highest on the common application form;

"The specified year" means the school year beginning at or about the beginning of September 2024;

"Academic year" means a period commencing with 1st August and ending with the next 31st July.

"The determination year" means the academic year beginning two years before the admission year.

"Admission arrangements" means the arrangements for a particular school or schools, which govern the procedures and decision making for the purposes of admitting pupils to the school;

"Parent/Carer" means any person who holds parental responsibility, as defined under the 1989 Children Act, and with whom the child normally resides;

"Shortest distance" means the shortest distance measured as a straight line, from the Ordnance Survey coordinates for the parental home residence (including flats) to the school main entrance, using South Tyneside Council's Geographic Information System (GIS), with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority.

"In Year" admission means any application for a place other than the normal year of entry.

"'Home local authority" means the local authority in whose area the parents live.

"Eligible for a place" means that a child has been placed on a school's ranked list at such a point, which falls within the school's published admission number.

Commencement and extent

This scheme applies in relation to the admission arrangements for the schools for admission year 2024-2025 (the specified year).

The LA will include in its admission arrangements for the specified year the provisions set out in Schedule 1 to this scheme, or provisions having the same effect.

The admission authority of each of the VA schools, Trust and Academies will include in its admission arrangements for the specified year the provisions set out in the Schedule, so far as relevant to that school, or provisions having the same effect.

The Scheme

  1. The Scheme shall be determined in accordance with the provisions set out in Schedule 1 and processed in accordance with the timetable set out in Schedule 2.
  2. The scheme shall apply to every school in the LA area as identified in Appendix 1 and shall take effect from 1 August 2023.
  3. The Scheme will also include applications from parents seeking admission to South Tyneside schools who live within the following neighbouring LA's:
  • Gateshead Local Authority
  • North Tyneside Local Authority
  • Sunderland Local Authority

We will also co-ordinate our admission process with any other Admission Authorities where relevant.

Schedule 1

Part 1 - The scheme

  • There will be a standard form known as the Common Application Form.
  • The Common Application Form will be used for the purpose of admitting pupils into the first year of Infant, Junior and Primary education in the specified year, and for applications made outside the normal year of entry i.e. 'In Year' admissions leading up to, and during, the academic year 2024/2025.
  • The Common Application Form must be used as a means of expressing up to 3 preferences for the purposes of section 86 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, by parents' resident in the LA area wishing to express a preference for their child - 

(a) To be admitted to a school within the LA area (including VA Schools, Trust and Academies);

(b) To be admitted to a school located in another LA's area (including VA Schools, Trust and Academies)

  • The Common Application Form will: 

    (a) Allow parents to express up to 3 preferences, including, where relevant, any schools outside the LA's area, in the rank order in which they wish their child to receive an offer of a place at the respective schools,

    (b) Specify the closing date and where the application form must be returned in accordance with paragraph 10.
  • The LA will make appropriate arrangements to ensure:

    (a) That the Common Application Form is available on request from the LA and on-line at until the closing date; and,

    (b). That the Common Application Form is accompanied by a written explanation of the key features of the co-ordinated admissions scheme.
  • The LA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that:

    (a) Every parent resident in the LA area who has a child attending a nursery class or early years setting and is eligible to commence primary education has access to a copy of the Common Application Form (and a written explanation) either on-line or paper copy (on request only); and

    (b) Every parent whose application falls within the category of an 'In Year' transfer has access to a copy of the Common Application Form (and written explanation), on request, and understands the process.

    Parents will be advised that they will receive no more than one offer of a school place and that:

    (i) If more than one school is nominated and two or more preferences can be offered the parent will be regarded as having ranked the schools in the order appearing on the form (the firstmentioned being ranked the highest); and

    (ii) Places at any oversubscribed school will be offered on the basis of equal preference rank order and that where an offer is made it would be for the highest ranked school.

    (iii) If a place cannot be offered at a nominated school, a place will be offered at an alternative school.
  • The Common Application Form will include an extra section to be completed by parents who express a preference for a Voluntary Aided School to enable them to provide additional relevant information. No supplementary information forms will be used unless the information is insufficient for consideration of the application against the published admission criteria. Where admission authorities within South Tyneside use supplementary information forms, the LA will seek to ensure that these only collect information, which is required by the published oversubscription criteria, in accordance with paragraphs 1.9 and 2.4 of the School Admissions Code.
  • Where a school receives a supplementary information form from a South Tyneside resident it will not be regarded as a valid application unless the parent has also completed a Common Application Form and the school is nominated on it. Where supplementary information forms are received directly by Foundation or VA Schools the school must inform the LA immediately so it can verify whether a Common Application Form has been received from the parent and, if not, the LA will contact the parent and ask them to complete a Common Application Form. Under the requirements of the scheme parents will not be under any obligation to complete an individual school's supplementary information form where this is not strictly required for the governing board to apply their oversubscription criteria.
  • Any school which operates criteria for selection by ability or aptitude must ensure that its arrangements for assessing ability or aptitude, to enable decisions to be made on nominations, conform with the timing requirements of the scheme as set out in Schedule 2. (N.B. no school in South Tyneside operates criteria for selection based on ability or aptitude)

Processing of Common Application Forms

  • It will be the responsibility of parents to ensure that Common Application Forms are received directly to the LA by the closing date of 4.30pm on Monday 15 January 2024 (National Closing Date). Common Application Forms may also be completed on-line by the closing date.

Determining offers in response to the Common Application Form

  • The LA will act as a clearing house for the allocation of places by the relevant admission authorities in response to the Common Application Forms. The LA will only make any decision with respect to the offer or refusal of a place in response to any preference expressed on the Common Application Form where:

    (a) It is acting in its capacity as an admission authority, or

    (b) An applicant is eligible for more than one place and is allocated a place at the highest ranked school, or

    (c) An applicant is not eligible for a place at any school that the parent has nominated. The LA will allocate places in accordance with the provisions set out in paragraph 18 of this Schedule.
  • Completed application forms must be received by the closing date of 4.30pm on Monday 15 January 2024 (National Closing Date).
  • Completed application forms, which are received after the closing date will be marked 'LATE' and considered on an individual basis except that the procedure must not prevent the proper processing under the Scheme of application forms received on time.
  • The LA will process all application forms; any completed application forms must be treated as a confidential communication between the parent and the LA. All ranked applications received by the closing date will be considered before any ranked applications received after this closing date unless exceptional circumstances apply.
  • By Monday 22 January 2024 the LA will notify the admission authority for each of the schools of every nomination that has been made for that school, including all relevant details (SEN, LAC or Late) and any supplementary information received by this date, which schools require in order to apply their oversubscription criteria. Where parents have nominated a school outside the LA area, the LA will also similarly notify the relevant authority/authorities on the same day.
  • By Tuesday 27 February 2024 the admission authority for each school will provide the LA with a list in rank order, in accordance with their admission criteria of all pupils who applied for a place at the school, indicating those who can be offered a place and those (if any) who cannot. The LA will then match this ranked list against the ranked lists of the other schools nominated.

    The LA will also require additional names in criteria order of the next possible offers, up to 25% above the admission number of the school, so that schools will not need to be contacted by the LA at each iteration
  • By Friday 8 March 2024 the admission authority for neighbouring LA schools will produce a list of parental applicants and waiting lists (if appropriate).
  • By Monday 18 March 2024 the LA will match the provisional offers of places against each parent's ranking and proceed as follows:

    Where the child is eligible for a place at only one of the preferred schools, a place at that school will be offered to the child.

    Where the child is eligible for a place at two or more of the preferred schools, they will be offered a place at whichever school is the highest ranked and any lower offers will be disregarded.

    Where none of the preferences can be met, the child will be offered a place at the catchment area school if a vacancy exists, or at the nearest appropriate school with a vacancy, as measured by the shortest distance using a straight line, from the Ordnance Survey coordinates for the parental home residence (including flats) to the school main entrance, using South Tyneside Council's Geographic Information System (GIS), with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority.

    The LA will allocate a school place to those pupils who have not submitted a Common Application Form after all other pupils who submitted a Common Application Form have been considered. The LA will allocate a place at the catchment area school if a vacancy exists, or at the nearest appropriate school with a vacancy, as measured by shortest distance using a straight line, from the Ordnance Survey coordinates for the parental home residence (including flats) to the school main entrance, using South Tyneside Council's Geographic Information System (GIS), with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority. The offer of a school place may be made after 16 April 2024.
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 - By this date the LA informs its Infant, Junior and Primary Schools of the pupils to be offered places at their schools and informs other LAs of places in South Tyneside schools to be offered to their residents.
  • On Tuesday 16 April 2024 (National Offer Day) parents will be notified by either via e-mail (on-line applications) or a letter posted 2ndclass (paper applications) informing them of the school place allocated. This will give the following information
    • The name of the school at which a place is offered;
    • The reasons why the child is not being offered a place at any of the other higher ranked schools nominated on the Common Application Form;
    • Information about their statutory right of appeal against the decisions to refuse places at the other nominated schools;
    • Invite parents to contact the LA if they want to be considered for any places that might become available in schools that they ranked higher than the school they are offered, in the re- allocation process on 23 April 2024 i.e. from the waiting list;
    • Contact details for the schools (in the case of nominated Academy, VA, Trust and Academies schools where they were not offered a place) so that they can lodge an appeal, with the governing board, and the relevant LAs.
    • The letter will not inform parents of places still available at other schools.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024:

    (1) The initial deadline for parents to accept or decline the place offered. If they do not respond by this date, the LA will continue to pursue parents for written confirmation of acceptance or to decline the place offered for oversubscribed schools by issuing a reminder letter.

    (2) The initial deadline for parents to request to place their child's name on a waiting list for any school they ranked higher on their Common Application Form than the school they were offered.

Waiting Lists

  • Parents may ask for their children to be kept on a waiting list of children to be re-allocated places if they become available after 16 April 2024 (National Offer Day 16 April 2023) at any school they have ranked higher on their Common Application Form than the school they were offered. Where a parent has been offered a place at a school, which they did not nominate on their Common Application Form they may be placed on the list of all the schools they did nominate and can then be considered for places at those schools. If pupil numbers fall below the Published Admission Number (PAN) then children will be admitted from the waiting list according to the admission criteria regardless of when their application form was received. The LA will hold all waiting lists for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and where requested for VA, Trust and Academies. Waiting lists for the normal year of entry will be kept open until 31 December 2024.
  • Thursday 27 April 2023: The LA re-allocates any places that may have become vacant since 17 April 2023 (National Offer Day), in accordance with the school admission criteria, which will include the following:
    • Those who have not yet been offered any school place, for example, late applications from parents who have just moved into the area and have not been offered a school place.
    • Those who have not been offered a school place at any of the schools they nominated on the Common Application Form and the place that has become available is at a school originally nominated on the Common Application Form.
    • Those who have been offered a school place but who ranked the school at which a place has now become available higher on the Common Application Form.

      Where there are more applicants than places available then the priorities used within the schools' admission criteria will also be applied to all applicants on the waiting list to determine the allocation of places.
  • Where a parent has been allocated a place at their second ranked school, they may be placed on a waiting list of their first ranked school but not their third and so on.
  • Thursday 2 May 2024: Where parents have not returned their acceptance slip for oversubscribed schools the LA may withdraw the offer of the school place. Where places have been withdrawn pupils will be re- allocated a place at the nearest appropriate school with a vacancy as measured by the shortest distance using a straight line, from the Ordnance Survey parental home residence point (including flats) to the school main entrance, using South Tyneside Council's Geographic Information System (GIS), with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority. Places that become available will be re allocated in accordance with paragraph 23 of this schedule

Part 2 - Late applications

  • The closing date for applications in the normal admissions round is 4.30pm on Monday 15 January 2024 (National Closing Date). Applications for places in the normal admissions round that are received late owing to exceptional circumstances may be considered provided that they are received before 27 February 2024, the date the allocation procedures begin. An example of what may be considered as exceptional circumstances would be where a family has just moved into the area or is returning from abroad (proof of ownership or tenancy of a South Tyneside property will be required in these cases). Other circumstances may be considered, and each case will be decided on its own merits by each individual admission authority. The agreement to consider an application as on-time for exceptional reasons does mean that a place will be offered. The application will be considered in accordance with the admission criteria along with other applications receive on time.

Change of school preference after 15 January 2024 (National closing date)

  • Once parents have submitted their Common Application Form, they cannot change their preferences after the closing date without an exceptional reason, for example if the family has recently moved address, proof of ownership or tenancy of a South Tyneside property will be required. The deadline for considering such exceptional circumstances is 27 February 2024.

Late Applications received after 27 February 2024

  • Late applications received after 27 February 2024 will not be processed until all applications received by the closing date have been considered. All South Tyneside residents will be offered a school place; however, this offer may be made after 16 April 2024.

No common application form received by 16 April 2024 (National offer day)

  • Where no Common Application Form is submitted the child will, on 16 April 2024 (National Offer Day) be offered a place at the catchment area school if a vacancy exists, or at the nearest appropriate school with a vacancy. The LA must have the evidence available to establish to which parents this situation applies to. This is usually as a result of liaison with LA nurseries and private nursery providers.

Change of school preference after 16 April 2024 (National offer day)

  • Parents cannot change their original school preference(s) without an exceptional reason, for example if the family has recently moved address. Where the LA agrees to accept a change of preference application the original school preference will be cancelled, and a new application must be submitted which will be considered as 'Late'. Any place previously offered at a school in South Tyneside on 16 April 2024 (National Offer Day) will be withdrawn and the parent will be notified in writing of the outcome.

Part 3 - 'In Year Admissions'

  • Applications for year groups other than "normal year of entry" (September entry for Reception and Year 3 (Junior)) will be treated as in-year admissions.
  • Parents will apply to the LA in which their preference schools are situated.
  • Common Application Forms are available from the School Admissions Team or on the LA website.
  • The LA will process all Common Application Forms and inform parents of the outcome of their application even if the school is Voluntary Aided or Academy.
  • The LA is unable to process applications for schools where the date that the place is required from, is more than 2 months from the date of the application (Service and Crown Personnel are exempt).
  • Children must be resident in the country or evidence provided of a return to the country before a Common Application Form can be considered (Service and Crown Personnel are exempt).
  • School places cannot be allocated on the basis of intended future changes of address unless a house move has been confirmed through the exchange of contracts or a signed rental agreement. The admission authority reserves the right to seek further documentary evidence to support the claim to residence.

Children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

  • Children with an Education Health and Care Plan will be referred to the Pupil Services Department. Pupil Services will work with the parents of the child to secure a place at a school where the specific needs of the child can be met. If the child is not currently attending a South Tyneside school Pupil Services will contact the LA where the child is currently attending (or previously attended) for details of the current Education Health and Care Plan. Schools must admit such pupils whether they have places or not.

Looked After Children (LAC)

  • All schools (including Voluntary Aided) may be directed to admit a 'Looked After Child' even when the year group is full. In respect of admissions for Key Stage 1 these children would be admitted as an 'excepted pupil'.

Responding to common application forms

  • If the application is for a Voluntary Aided School, Trust school or an Academy, the LA will refer the application to the Governing Board or Academy Trust of the school.
  • All admission authorities should respond to the LA within 3 working days of receiving the Common Application Form informing them of the decision.
  • If there is a place available a pupil must be admitted within 20 school days of the application being received by the LA.
  • Where a place is not available at the highest ranked school the LA will co-ordinate with the second and third preference schools.
  • If the pupil is not on the roll of a South Tyneside school and a place cannot be offered at any of the nominated schools, the parent should contact the school admissions team to discuss the availability of places at other schools in the area.
  • If there are more applications than places available the published admission criteria must be applied to all of the applications.
  • Pupils can only be refused a place at a school if one of the statutory reasons in the School Admissions Code applies.
  • The LA will keep a track of any pupils who apply for 'In Year' admissions and intervene as appropriate to ensure that they are placed in a school without undue delay particularly vulnerable children i.e. Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Service children. Processing of such applications may be referred through the Fair Access Protocol.
  • Parents will be expected to contact the school offered to accept or decline the offer within 10 working days, failure to do so may result in the school place being withdrawn.

Waiting lists

  • The LA will hold the waiting list for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and where requested for Voluntary Aided schools, Trust schools and Academies.
    • The waiting list for the normal year of entry i.e. Reception, and Year 3 for oversubscribed schools will be kept open until 31 December 2024.
    • Academies, Voluntary Aided or Trust schools may hold their own waiting list for In Year applications, but this will be confirmed within their own admission arrangements.

Part 4 - Admission outside of the normal age group

  • It is the expectation of the LA that a child is placed within their normal age group and educated alongside his / her equivalent peers, in almost all cases. The LA will consider any requests for children to be educated outside of their normal age group on an individual basis. Please refer to the separate LA policy for guidance.

Schedule 2

Timetable of Co-Ordinated Scheme

  • Friday 8 September 2023 
    Common Application form made available to parents on-line or paper copy (on request only)
  • Monday 15 January (4.30pm)
    Common Application forms, together 2024: with any supplementary forms (as required) to be returned to the School Admissions Team at South Shields Town Hall or completed on-line
  • Monday 22 January 2024
    Details of applications to be sent to Academy, VA and Trust schools
  • Tuesday 30 January 2024
    Exchange preference data with other LA's
  • Wednesday 14 February 2024
    Details of preferences received from other LA's to be sent to Academy, VA and Trust Schools
  • Tuesday 27 February 2024
    Academy, VA and Trust schools provide the LA with ranked list of applicants
  • Friday 8 March 2024
    LA's exchange information with other LA's on offer or refusal of school places
  • Monday 18 March 2024
    The LA will match the ranked lists of all the schools and allocate places in accordance with paragraph 18 of Schedule 1
  • By Thursday 28 March 2024
    By this date the LA will notify schools, which parents have been offered places at their schools, and other LA's will be notified of places in South Tyneside schools that will be offered to their residents
  • Tuesday 16 April 2024
    Notifications sent to parents. (National Offer Day)
  • Tuesday 23 April 2024
    Initial date for offers to be accepted or declined by parents for oversubscribed schools
  • Tuesday 23 April 2024
    Initial date for parents to request to place their child's name on waiting list
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024
    Appeal forms to be sent out where requested.
  • Friday 26 April 2024
    Any places that have become available are allocated to parents in priority order in accordance with paragraph 22 of Schedule 1
  • Thursday 2 May 2024
    Where parents have not returned their acceptance slip for oversubscribed schools the LA may withdraw the offer of the school place and places will be re-allocated in accordance with paragraph 24 of Schedule 1
  • Tuesday 21 May 2024
    Deadline for the return of appeal forms

Appendix 1

Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme - Primary Schools

Admission Authorities in the Area of South Tyneside to which the scheme applies.

The Scheme applies to the Governing Board as the Admissions Authority for the following Voluntary Aided Schools:

  • St Oswald's C of E Primary SchoolSt Oswald's Road, Hebburn, NE31 1HT.

Community Schools where the LA is the Admission Authority.

  • Bede Burn Primary School, Dene Terrace, Jarrow, NE32 5NJ
  • Biddick Hall Junior School, Chesterton Road, South Shields, NE34 9SP
  • Biddick Hall Infant School, Galsworthy Road, South Shields, NE34 9JD
  • Dunn Street Primary School, Staple Road, Jarrow, NE32 3QL
  • East Boldon Junior School, North Lane, East Boldon, NE36 0DL
  • East Boldon Infant School, Front Street, East Boldon, NE36 0SW
  • Fellgate Primary School, Oxford Way, Off Durham Drive, Jarrow, NE32 4XA
  • Forest View Primary, Rembrandt Avenue, South Shields, NE34 8RZ
  • Hadrian Primary School, Baring Street, South Shields, NE33 2BB
  • Hebburn Lakes Primary, Campbell Park Road, Hebburn, NE31 2SH
  • Harton Primary School, East Avenue, South Shields, NE34 6PF
  • Hedworthfield Primary School, Linkway, Hedworth Estate, Jarrow, NE32 4QF
  • Hedworth Lane Primary School, Hedworth Lane, Boldon Colliery, NE35 9JB
  • Jarrow Cross C of E Primary School, Borough Road, Jarrow, NE32 5UW
  • Laygate Community School, Laygate Lane, South Shields, NE33 4JJ
  • Lord Blyton Primary School, Blyton Avenue, South Shields, NE34 9BN
  • Marine Park Primary School, Hatfield Square, Woodbine Estate, South Shields, NE33 2RD
  • Marsden Primary School, Mill Lane, Whitburn Colliery, Nr Sunderland, SR6 7HJ
  • Mortimer Primary School, Mortimer Road, South Shields, NE34 0RW
  • Sea View Primary, Norham AvenueNorth, South Shields, NE34 7TD
  • Simonside Primary School, Glasgow Road, Jarrow, NE32 4AU
  • Stanhope Primary School, Gresford Street, South Shields, NE33 4SZ
  • Toner Avenue School, Johnston Avenue, Hebburn, NE31 2LJ
  • Valley View Primary School, Valley View, Jarrow, NE32 5QT
  • West Boldon Primary School, Hindmarch Drive, West Boldon, NE36 0HX
  • Westoe Crown Primary School, Village Centre Sea Winnings Way, South Shields, NE33 3NS
  • Whitburn Village Primary School, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn Nr Sunderland, SR6 7NS

The Scheme applies to the Academy Trust as the Admissions Authority for the following Academies:

  • Ashley Primary School, Temple Park Road, South Shields, NE34 0QA
  • St Aloysius Catholic Academy (Juniors), Argyle Street, Hebburn, NE31 1BQ
  • St Aloysius Catholic Academy (Infants), Argyle Street, Hebburn, NE31 1RZ
  • St Bede's Catholic Primary, Claypath Lane, South Shields, NE33 4PG
  • St Joseph's Catholic Primary, St Joseph's Way, Jarrow, NE32 4PJ
  • SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary, Olive Street, South Shields, NE33 4RD
  • Monkton Academy, Dame Flora Robson Avenue, South Shields, NE34 9RB
  • Monkton Infant School, St Simon Street, South Shields, NE34 9SD
  • Holy Trinity CE Academy, Brockley Avenue, South Shields, NE34 0TS
  • Ridgeway Primary Academy, Park Avenue, South Shields, NE34 8AB
  • St Mary's Catholic Primary, Ayr Drive, Jarrow, NE32 4AW
  • Cleadon CE Academy, Boldon Lane, Cleadon, SE6 7RP
  • St Bede's RC Catholic Primary, Harold Street, Jarrow, NE32 3AJ
  • St Gregory's RC Catholic Primary, Harton House Road East, South Shields, NE34 6DZ
  • St James' RC Catholic Primary, Solway Road, Hebburn, NE31 2BP
  • St Matthews' RC Catholic Primary, Alnwick Grove, Jarrow, NE32 5YT
  • St Oswald's RC Catholic Primary, Nash Avenue, South Shields, NE34 8NS