Angela Lamonte

Employment, office, trade profession or vocation

  • Member of Unison (Non-Paid Position)  
  • Fundraiser for Cancer Research UK, Jarrow Relay (Non-Paid Position)  
  • Member of Lakeside Hall Coffee Morning (Non-Paid Position)  
  • Member of Hebburn Neighbourhood Watch (Non-Paid Position)  
  • Co-ordinator for Hebburn South Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (Non-Paid Position)  
  • St Luke's, Hebburn coffee mornings volunteer (Non-paid position)
  • Keelmans Way school, Hebburn, School Governors (member)
  • Local Authority Animal Protection Champions (Non-Paid Position)  
  • North East Combined Authority - Audit and Standards Committee (subsitute) (Non-paid position)
  • North East Regional Employers' Organisation (NEREO) (Council Appointment) (Attendance allowance payable direct from NEREO)
  • South Tyneside Blind Welfare Association (Council Appointment Non-Paid Position)
  • South Tyneside Regional Equality Forum (Council Appointment Non-Paid Position)
  • Vision and Hearing Support Gateshead and South Tyneside - Board of Trustees (Council Appointment Non-Paid Position)
  • Youth Club volunteer at St Lukes Church, Hebburn (Non-Paid Position)
  • Member of St Lukes Church, Hebburn (Non-Paid Position)
  • Member of Disability Labour (Non-Paid Position)
  • UNISON (member)





Land owned

This Councillor lives locally and is a tenant of Karbon Homes.

Whilst their home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.



Corporate tenancies


