Moving schools (in-year transfers)

After you've applied

Continue to attend school

Your child must still attend their current school while we deal with your application.

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, we'll refer your request to the Special Educational Needs team.

They will work with you to secure a place at a school where your child's specific needs can be met.

We will contact your preferred school

Once we have received your application form, and have all the information we need, we'll contact your preferred school to check if they have space available.

Once we've contacted the school, they have three school days to respond.

If the school doesn't have any places available, we'll contact your second preference (if you've included one).

If that one doesn't have space, we'll contact your third preference (if you've included one). 

If your preferred school is full, you have the right to appeal.

We'll send you an outcome letter

The School Admissions team will send you an outcome letter, to let you know: 

  • whether your child has got a place, and
  • what to do next

Arranging a start date

If your child has got a place, your outcome letter will ask you to contact the school directly to arrange a start date.

The start date will usually be within 20 school days.

If lots of pupils are moving to a different school, the start date at the new school will be at the beginning of a half term.

In general, you shouldn't withdraw your child from their current school before you have arranged for them to start a new school.


If your child has been refused at your preferred school, you can appeal the decision.

This will go to an Independent Appeals Panel.

Full details about how to make an appeal will be included in your outcome letter from the School Admissions team.

To get an appeal form:

Appeals can take four to six weeks to set up.

The Council's Democratic Services team will contact you once a date has been agreed for your appeal hearing.