South Shields regeneration: Foreshore


A programme of promenade improvements totalling over £9m is ongoing. This investment has seen a dramatic change in the appearance and perceptions of the Foreshore.

In developing the Foreshore it is essential that new activities help extend the holiday season beyond the summer months. In the longer term, an all year round Foreshore offer is our goal.

Linking the activities at the Foreshore with Ocean Road and the Town Centre will be essential in securing a longer visitor stay and greater spend.

Expanding the South Shields offer through increased visitor accommodation will help increase the visitor numbers and length of stay resulting in greater expenditure in the local economy.

It is also important to sustain the excellent offer we currently provide for our residents and visitors. Increasing the offer and remaining competitive are important elements to success but the underlying attraction remains the sea, beaches and parks, all of which are free of charge.

It is important that the Foreshore remains an accessible and affordable attraction which is open to all residents and visitors.

South Shields Promenade

South Shields Promenade has undergone transformational regeneration.

The Promenade at Sandhaven Beach has been transformed with the help of a £2m scheme.

Work at Littlehaven Promenade included improved sea defences and beautiful art work, seating and railings.

Phase 1 

The Sandhaven stretch of the promenade from the north of Gandhi's Temple north to the rear of the Sundial pub, was transformed in 2009 / 10 with the help of a £2million scheme including:

  • new lighting
  • extra seating
  • art and sculptures
  • outdoor performance space for theatre, buskers and performance artists
  • boardwalk areas and improved walls
  • improved access to the promenade

Phase 2 

Littlehaven Promenade from the Conversation Pieces to the north, south to the pier the sea wall has been realigned and improved sea defences put in place.

A new public realm scheme, designed to complement the scheme at Sandhaven has been implemented along with beautiful art work, seating and railings.

The scheme was officially opened in 2014.

Phase 3 

An exciting multi-million pound scheme to upgrade part of the Borough's coastline has been completed.

The scheme, which was funded with £1.5m from the Coastal Communities Fund and £529,000 from South Tyneside Council, included:

  • hard and soft landscaping
  • seating between the south pier and skate park

The owners of Ocean Beach Pleasure Park supported the improvements by opening up the back of the amusement arcades with entrances and doorways.

Images are courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently.

Littlehaven Promenade, Image courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently
Littlehaven Promenade, Image courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently
The eye
Littlehaven Promenade, Image courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently
Littlehaven Promenade, Image courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently


Ocean Road

Ocean Road provides a vital link between South Shields town centre and the Foreshore and is renowned for its wide range of restaurants, guest houses and B&Bs.  

Improvements at Ocean Road include:

  • a new road layout with traffic calming measures
  • better positioned parking bays and a new, free car park
  • new trees with special all year round lighting
  • art features in the form of bollards and statues

Images are courtesy of See Tyne and Wear Differently.

Ocean Road
Ocean Road
Ocean Road
Ocean Road
Ocean Road


Haven Point

Haven Point is a fantastic £16 million swimming pool and leisure complex.

Haven Point

The facility features:

  • a 25 metre main pool
  • an 18 metre teaching pool
  • flumes
  • a bubble spa
  • sauna
  • gym
  • and much more

Find out more: Haven Point.

Aims for the Foreshore

Current role

  • Family leisure / entertainment
  • Days out
  • Sport and recreation
  • Events including Great North Run and Summer Festival
  • Watersports
  • Food and drink
  • Hotels / chalet / accommodation


  • Extend the visitor season
  • Increase visitor numbers
  • Increase visitor spend
  • Improve overnight accommodation offer
  • Improve links to the town centre / Ocean Road
  • Improve all weather attractions / activities
  • Expand the visitor offer with new activities
  • Encourage day trippers to stay overnight
  • Attract a different demographic by offering new activities to increase spend
  • Expand the demographic of visitors to include higher spenders and overnight visitors